
Showcasing Darcie Hodge

Showcasing Darcie Hodge

Showcasing Darcie HodgeShowcasing Darcie HodgeShowcasing Darcie Hodge

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About Me

My Background


When I was young I learned to paint with my grandmother, the very talented Etta Hellyer. My grandma not only taught me to paint but also showed me the joy of exploring new mediums and volunteering in the arts community, leading art classes and kids programs.

My Medium


I use many different mediums, such as clay, acrylics, and watercolour. I believe that working in a single medium is restrictive to my artistic process. Each idea manifests in its own individual style.

My Inspiration


I enjoy the outdoors in my spare time and many of my pieces are directly influenced by my time spent in nature. I love recreating plants and wildlife in my work. I also love spending my time with my family and our pets. 
